Available to you at Minnesota Personalized Medicine…
We specialize in advanced testing for nutritional/metabolic, mitochondrial, genomic, microbiomic, hormonal and neurotransmitter issues.
Listed below are some of the specialized lab tests that may be ordered for you by your physician during your appointment.
These tests are not available at HealthPartners, Allina, CentraCare, Essentia, etc.
Your cost is our cost plus a $25 administrative fee.
Click on the links below to learn more about each test:
Cleveland Heart Panel – Cardio IQ Advanced Cardiovascular Testing
DUTCH Test – Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones
Galleri Multi-Cancer Early Detection Test
IGL Precision Epigenetic Diagnostics Profiles
InfectoLab – Lyme and Co-Infection Panels, Covid Spot IFN-y/IL-2
Invitae – Medical Genetic Health Testing for Health Management
Kennedy Krieger Institute Total Lipid Fatty Acid Profile
NeuroLab – Neurotransmitter and Hormone Profiles
QuickSilver Scientific Mercury Tri-Test & Blood Metals Panel