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Neurocognitive Assessment & Treatment

What is a neurocognitive assessment?

A neurocognitive assessment measures brain function non-invasively.

At Minnesota Personalized Medicine, we use the computer-based CNS Vital Signs testing procedure to assess important aspects of cognition: attention, memory, language, reaction time, perception, and more.

What does the assessment entail?

CNS Vital Signs is a non-invasive clinical procedure that you can do in the comfort of a quiet space in our clinic.

CNS Vital Signs efficiently and objectively assesses a broad spectrum of brain function performance or domains under challenge (cognition stress test) and 50+ computerized clinical and quality rating instruments e.g., the Performance Quality Rating Scale (PQRS) to enable the measuring of important clinical symptoms, behaviors, and co-morbidities to…

  • Detect and track even slight (millisecond precision) cognitive impairments that can assist clinicians in the evaluation and management of neurodegenerative, neuropsychiatric, neurotraumatic and neurodevelopmental disorders providing immediate clinical insight into a patient’s current status and level of impairment
  • Give patients, family members and caregivers knowledge of cognitive domains that underpin the ability to conduct activities of daily living
  • Longitudinally track clinical endpoints to aid in the monitoring and management of many clinical conditions and treatments (e.g., measure the response to treatment like AD/HD medication, rehabilitation efforts, cognitive behavioral therapy – CBT, etc. and used to measure clinical outcomes)

CNS Vital Signs collects data from patients ages 8 to 89 and results are compared to others of the same age.

Why test your neurocognitive capabilities?

Research shows that cognitive function is an important biomarker for many conditions such as neurocognitive disorders due to aging, AD/HD, concussion, etc.

A broad-spectrum assessment of cognitive domains like CNS Vital Signs is available to support and inform your care.

Who can benefit?

CNS Vital Signs is widely used to measure neurocognition for patients dealing with the following:

Memory & Healthy Aging – Enables the new MCI-Dementia Alzheimer’s Guidelines for Cognitive Assessment
Multiple Sclerosis
TBI – mTBI – Concussion
Chronic Pain

AD/HD – Helps identify frontal lobe deficits and executive dysfunction
Substance Abuse – SBIRT
Depression / Anxiety
Medication Effects
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Eating Disorders

Metabolic / Diabetes
Cancer Cognition
Mild Hepatic Encephalopathy
Prion or Lyme Disease
Exercise / Human Performance
Genetic Phenotype
Medication Effects