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New Test Detects Over 50 Types of Cancer – November 2021

November 1, 2021

Watch HERE as our Founder & Medical Director Gregory A. Plotnikoff, MD, MTS, FACP talks to CBS News about the Galleri® test.

The Galleri® test is a first-of-kind, multi-cancer early detection test using a single blood draw.

“In the year 2021, this is so far beyond anything else we’ve been able to do. This is a game-changer,” said Dr. Greg Plotnikoff. He has prescribed the test for patients, and family members with risk factors, saying cancers caught early are in more treatable stages.

“If we can catch things earlier, we have a chance then to make a significant difference,” Plotnikoff said.

The Galleri® test is now available at Minnesota Personalized Medicine for existing patients and new patients upon medical record review.